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GMO Pharmacy: The Pervasiveness of GMOs in Medicines and Supplements

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Spartan of Truth

From Waking Times

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The concern over eating genetically-modified foods is growing as more people learn about the harmful effects of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). Although not readily publicized by the mainstream media, GMOs have been linked to various health complications such as tumors, organ failure, DNA damage, immune system disturbances, and infertility, among others. Simultaneously, GM contamination of conventional and organic foods is increasing.

The toxic hand of GMOs does not stop in our food supply. GMOs are used in various prescription medications and vaccines, and GMOs in vitamins and supplements is also common. There are numerous examples.

GMO methods are being used to create edible vaccines, as, for example, a way of incorporating swine flu virus into corn, allowing mass vaccinations. A large share of insulin medications is produced by genetic engineering. Companies are producing pharmaceutical proteins (including antibodies) in GM plants…

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Author: ohnwentsya

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