Spirit In Action

Change IS coming. WE can make it GOOD.

How to win a free trip to Ireland

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If your life is feeling like constant , lurching from one crisis or disaster to the next-read this post! Especially if you feel or say to yourself “you can’t win for losing!”- read this blog, read Pam’s books. Get her wonderful worldview into your personal space however you can. It might sound fanciful if you are accustomed to a steady diet of aggravation and negativity, but there’s no harm in trying on a different perspective. The results may amaze you.;-)

Pam Grout

“If your mind isn’t cluttered by unnecessary things, this could be the best day of your life.”—From a message left on my voicemail by The Zing of the Possibility Alliance

Some authors write about changing your life through healthy eating. Or meditating. Others suggest writing affirmations or visualizing

As for me, I offer one easy message: Open your joy channels.

When you get happy, the largesse of the universe can’t help but rush in.

It’s so easy that most people walk right by it, they roll their eyes and think, “Sure, Pam! It can’t be that easy.”

So I’ll say it one more time. It really IS that easy.

In my power posse yesterday, we had a blast sharing stories about just this topic. We decided that part of our mission and why we love this group SO FRICKIN’ MUCH is because we take time to register, to note, to…

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Author: ohnwentsya

Be the change you wish to see, let's co-create the win-win future we know is possible together!

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