Spirit In Action

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Some Guidelines for Harmonious Interactions and Communication | Anna Baldwin


This set of guidelines for harmonious communications has been adapted from the Geneva Group Agreements, Boulder Colorado, 1985 and appeared in Communities Magazine #113.


BE MINDFUL- My intent is to be myself, to be authentic, and to be fully present.

REALIZE OUR POTENTIAL- My commitment is to realize my full potential and support others in doing the same.

FOLLOW MY GUIDANCE- I agree to attune with Spirit and follow the calling of my soul on behalf of the well being of the whole.

COMMUNICATE WITH INTEGRITY- I agree to tell my truth with compassion for myself and others and honor confidentiality whenever appropriate.

ACT WITH INTEGRITY- I agree to keep my agreements and will do my best to follow my heart in making commitments.

DEEP LISTENING- I agree to listen respectfully to the communication of others and tune into their deepest meaning.

HONOR ONE ANOTHER – I agree to honor each person’s process, acknowledging that everyone,including myself, is making the best possible choice or decision we are capable of in that moment.

APPRECIATE OUR CONTRIBUTIONS- I agree to take responsibility for and receiving acknowledgments and acknowledging others.

HONOR OUR DIFFERENCES- I agree to come from a sense of cooperation and caring in my interactions with others, and an understanding that objectives are often the same even though methods for achieving them may differ. I honor the diversity of all life.

TAKE RESPONSIBILITY- I agree to take responsibility for my creations, my reactions, my experience, and my relationships.

MAINTAIN RESONANCE- I agree to take the time to establish rapport and then to reconnect with anyone with whom I feel out of harmony as soon as it may be appropriate.

RESOLVE PROBLEMS CONSTRUCTIVELY- I agree to take problems , complaints and upsets to the person(s) with whom I can resolve them, at the earliest opportunity. I agree not to criticize or to complaint to someone who cannot do something about my complaint, and I will redirect others to do the same.

GO FOR EXCELLENCE- I agree to support others and to be supported in participating at the highest level of excellence.

LEARN FROM EXCELLENCE- I agree to do my best to learn from my experiences. BE A LEADER- I agree to foster an environment of genuine collaboration in which all people, including myself, feel empowered to express our individual and collective potential.

SERVICE TO OTHERS- I am willing to open my heart, still my mind and be in compassionate service to all life.

RE-EVALUATE MY COMMITMENTS- I agree to choose and re-choose to participate in this community. It is my choice.

LIGHTEN UP!- I agree to create joy in my relationships, my work and my life.