Spirit In Action

Change IS coming. WE can make it GOOD.

A short update on the energies

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Thank you Aisha!

aisha north

As you have perhaps already noticed, this ongoing redistribution of the energetic masses is not about to subside anytime soon. For this is not something temporary, this is a permanent shift away from the old and into the very new spheres, the ones that are far more lofty than what you have experienced so far. And so, this shift will make the very ground beneath your feet appear as impermanent as everything else, and rightly so, for this is not about changing merely the appearance of something, but a transformation that goes all the way to the core.

For this is a dramatic shift that is under way in your entire energetic environment, and that is something that is far more profound than anything you can see from an outward perspective. And as such, it will be as if the very ground upon which you walk will feel less secure…

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Author: ohnwentsya

Be the change you wish to see, let's co-create the win-win future we know is possible together!

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