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Carl Boudreau: Astrology Status for February 28, 2015 . . . worth the time!!! ~J

Thank you Jean!
“In reality, all it will do is set up those still committed to a dark and negative outcome for a fall as we head toward two total eclipses in a row”- This is exactly what my intuition has been telling me lately. The Universe is naturally set toward balance and those who continually push for negative things, cruelty, misery and greed are pulling tight the slingshot they are sitting in. How beautiful to recognize this aspect of the ongoing Shift and refuse to be dragged down by their disturbing antics!

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I usually take Alex Jones with a healthy dose of skepticism and a strong awareness of questioning “Who benefits from me (or anyone) believing this?”. But if this is true it requires awareness and action of every non-comatose American citizen. Globally fascism is ascendant from Ukraine to Argentina to France, Mexico, Canada, Venezuela and here in America (U.S.). It’s ugly corruption and violence have been blatantly disrupting lives and democracy, and destroying communities and economies everywhere. While most governments outside of Ukraine are not openly fascist, the coups and attempts at them (as in Venezuela), and the obvious creep in governments with black sites, approval of torture, criminalization of dissent (look at the treatment of the anti-fracking movement) has been accelerating. Thank you Jean! As always you are awesome at finding the stories that matter!

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Plan to Destabilize Russia Failed; Kiev Regime Funnels Resources Into Nazi Western Ukraine and Sells off Strategic Food Reserves

Thank you Lada! I’m so grateful for your blog! The mainstream news on Ukraine reads like pure propaganda with minimal actual information. I guess aside from prayer there is little most of us can do for the people actually living through the chaos in Ukraine. But it’s good to read that the fascists are not winning-the suffering will end and the people will rebuild their country and their lives. It’s instructive as well because these geopolitical games of destabilizing smaller countries can take place anywhere. Usually anywhere there are resources or strategic locations-but contrary to our long isolation it does not exclude many areas of the US. Our homegrown fascists have been talking military coups and secession of states since President Obama took office.

Futurist Trendcast

My predictions about Ukraine are developing exactly as expected (details in PREDICTIONS and articles linked on the Predictions page). In 2013-14, while Russia was looking the other way during the Sochi Olympics, the US/West planned to destabilize Russia via Ukraine. The plan included the takeover of the geopolitically super-important Crimea, turning it into the oversized US/NATO base and kicking out the Russian Black Sea fleet. It also included the takeover of the entire Ukraine, culminating in the creation of anti-Russia on Russian borders. US was planning to destabilize and subsequently destroy Russia with the hands of the Russian-speaking, but thoroughly brainwashed Ukrainians – and make no mistake, Ukrainians are in fact Russians (more: FREE Earth Shift Report 2: Ukraine, Russia and Falsified History).

Despite long-term and careful planning, despite $5 bln spent by the US to ‘subvert Ukraine’ as admitted by Victoria Nuland, all the above plans have failed…

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NorthPoint ASTROLOGY JOURNAL | March 2 to 8, 2015 | Pam Younghans

Posted Sunday, March 1, 2015
Your Guide to Planetary Energies for
March 2 to 8, 2015
By Pam Younghans
Photo: Auroras over Kvaløya, Tromsø, Norway on January 3, 2015 (credit: AnneBirgitte Fyhn, posted on SpaceWeather.com)

THE PLANETARY ENERGIES this first week of the new month are both complicated and invigorating — no doubt just a first taste of the grand banquet that is March 2015.

It’s virtually impossible to talk about each aspect listed under this week’s “highlights” as a separate unit, because in truth, they are all interrelated. Uranus trines Jupiter, which quincunxes the Sun and conjoins Venus, which squares Pluto, which sextiles the Full Moon, which opposes Chiron … I think you get the picture.

So, if life seems especially complex right now, we have good astrological evidence to support that perception.

THE FULL MOON on Thursday seems like the best inroad to start exploring the week ahead. This lunation is arguably the focal point of the week, and talking through its meanings may be the best way to start unraveling the puzzle.

Full Moons occur when the Moon and the Sun oppose each other in the sky, so the themes always involve an awareness of polarities and the need to find a point of balance. Thursday’s Full Moon occurs with the Moon in Virgo opposing the Sun in Pisces, providing opportunities for us to reach a better understanding of how to “be in the world but not of the world.”

VIRGO’S AGENDA is always heavily weighted on the side of what is practical and useful. This sign inspires us to analyze situations so that we know the best way to proceed to get the job done. Along the way, however, we can get caught up in the details and think that we need to control every aspect of the process in order to succeed.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, Pisces’ agenda is to teach us faith and trust, to help us follow the flow of events rather than try to control them, like a water droplet in a river that finds the path of greatest flow on its journey downstream. But even this lofty aim, if we take it to extreme, can result in not much accomplishment on the physical plane, and perhaps not even much growth on the spiritual plane if we have not learned to apply some structures to our process.

THIS FULL MOON, then, calls for us to find the balance point between the agendas of Virgo and Pisces — to know when it is best to analyze and direct, when it is better to trust and allow, and how to gracefully adjust our way of being to the right solution of the moment.

The Sabian symbol for the location of the Moon provides a visual that in many ways represents this merging of Virgo and Pisces:
“A fine lace handkerchief, heirloom from valorous ancestors: The quintessence of deeds well done.”
“Deeds well done” could be a mantra for Virgo — and yet the “fine lace handkerchief” is far from a practical solution when we consider how a handkerchief is meant to be used. That description is more in keeping with the Pisces view that the purpose of our lives goes far beyond just focusing on what needs to be done and what “makes sense.” We must also take the time for creativity and beauty. We must develop our artistry and spirituality as a counterbalance (and even a reprieve!) from the list of things that “have” to be done.

THE URANUS-JUPITER TRINE that occurs on Tuesday is the second of three such aspects, the first occurring last September and the last occurring this coming June. These two planets are working together throughout this ten-month period to inspire us to take risks, to open to new experiences, and to courageously and creatively follow the inner wisdom that is guiding us forward.

Venus steps into the mix on Wednesday, first aligning with Uranus in Aries and then squaring Pluto. With the final Pluto-Uranus square just two weeks from now (on March 16-17), any other planets that enter the Pluto-Uranus energy field immediately become part of the bigger picture of these times.

Venus represents the feminine, and her interactions with Pluto-Uranus may inspire some to increase their rebellion against being dominated by the masculine. This theme is also supported by another aspect that same day. The alignment between Mars and the South Node may provide us with the courage needed to break free from old patterns that do not support equality and justice in relationships.

NEXT WEEKEND, the alignment between the Sun and Chiron sheds light on where fears may still be running the show of our lives. The ultimate goal of Chiron in Pisces is to transform fear into faith, and to dissolve patterns of control so that we can receive the benefits of allowing and acceptance.

If the fear of the unknown seems stronger now, and the old control mechanisms no longer serve to bring solution and resolution, this Chiron-Sun alignment represents an important opportunity for us to let go of the past and to advance in our ability to live with greater trust. Our first step, as always with Chiron, is to hold our own fearfulness with love and understanding. As we love this small-child aspect of self, rather than judging or ignoring it, we take major steps toward creating a world that will, in the same way, more fully love and support us.

In peace,

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Highlighted Aspects This Week
TUE: Uranus trine Jupiter; WED:Jupiter trine Venus, Uranus conjunct Venus, Pluto square Venus, Mars conjunct South Node, Jupiter quincunx Sun; THU: Full Moon10:05am PST, Pluto sextile Sun; SAT: Chiron conjunct Sun
About the Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and guidance received. Her hope is to offer perspectives and insights that will assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.

Astrology Readings
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Truthout Daily Digest | Sunday, 1 March 2015

The Media Know That Spreading the Fear of Terrorism Sells

Mark Karlin, Truthout: Susan Jeffords, co-editor of Covering bin Laden: Global Media and the World’s Most Wanted Man, explains that the iconic status of Osama bin Laden was achieved through global media coverage and government propaganda.

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John Pilger | Why the Rise of Fascism Is Again the Issue

John Pilger, Truthout: Again and again, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine and elsewhere, state lies to the public – with the help of corporate media – have allowed the United States to wage war abroad as a means to control other nations and their natural resources.

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To Die in an Alabama Cell

William C. Anderson, Truthout: In Alabama, several prisoner deaths resulting from apparent negligence by corrections staff illustrate a growing problem that can be fatal. While national conversations around racial injustice dominate our news cycles, it’s crucial that the lives of those behind bars be taken into account.

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Jury Awards Guestworkers Over $14 Million in Landmark Human Trafficking, Forced Labor Case

Rachel Luban, In These Times: A New Orleans jury awarded more than $14 million in damages to the plaintiffs of David v. Signal International, the first of a series of lawsuits that together constitute one of the largest human trafficking and forced labor cases in US history.

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Plague Outbreaks That Ravaged Europe Were Driven by Climate Changes in Asia

Boris Schmid and Nils Christian Stenseth, The Conversation: In terms of our understanding of the past plague pandemics, new research provides a different perspective as to how the “Black Death” disease moved across Eurasia, driven by climate events that were and still are frequently occurring.

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Ukraine War: A Reverse Cuban Missile Crisis

William R. Polk, Consortium News: Guided by an aggressive neoconservative “regime change” strategy, the United States has stumbled into a potential military confrontation with Russia over Ukraine, a dangerous predicament that could become a Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse.

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In Anti-Discrimination Suit, Haiping Su Took on Big Government and Won

Dr. George Koo, New America Media: The lesson of Dr. Haiping Su’s experience with the US justice system has implications for all Chinese Americans working in technical disciplines in the United States, and is worthy of more detailed examination.

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Bigger Than Science, Bigger Than Religion

Richard Schiffman, YES! Magazine: We’re closer to environmental disaster than ever before. We need a new story for our relationship with the Earth, one that goes beyond science and religion; a story that recognizes we are a part of nature and not separate from it.

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“A Red Letter Day” at the FCC: Net Neutrality Wins

Michael Winship, Moyers & Company: “This is no more a plan to regulate the internet than the First Amendment is a plan to regulate freedom of speech,” Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler said Thursday. “This is the FCC using every tool in our toolbox to protect innovators and consumers.”

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This week in Speakout:

Kelly Hayes reports on the activism in favor of reparations for torture victims of Chicago Police Department’s Jon Burge; Shepherd Bliss examines growing resistance to unlimited wine industry expansion in both Sonoma County and in neighboring Napa County; Dan Falcone speaks with John Grant, a US Veteran for Peace; US Right to Know staff analyze a ridiculous anti-consumer GMO-labeling plan proposed by the Obama administration, and, in a separate post, examine how media reports saying that GMO science is settled are flat-out wrong; Rivera Sun reflects on how nowhere is Hannah Arendt’s phrase “the banality of evil” more potent than at Los Alamos, New Mexico; Lawrence Davidson considers the potential opportunities and problems Palestine could face at the International Criminal Court; Bob McChesney talks on Rag Radio about our media crisis; Ali Hangan points out that a chaotic work schedule, not tuition, can prove to be the greatest challenge for the community college student; Halyna Mokrushyna wonders how a new, democratic Ukraine can prosper when its population consists of so many “relics” of the totalitarian Soviet past; and more.

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The BuzzFlash commentary will return soon.

Private Police Carry Guns and Make Arrests, and Their Ranks Are Swelling

Read the Article at The Washington Post

Fracking Opponents Feel Police Pressure in Some Drilling Hotspots

Read the Article at NPR

US Seeks to Deport Bosnians Over War Crimes

Read the Article at The New York Times

Study Unearths Impacts of Our Growing Carbon Emissions – and It’s Not Pretty

Read the Article at Mashable

“I Was in a Black Site”: Chicago’s Policing Nightmare – and Assault on People of Color

Read the Article at Salon

Our Condolences: How the US Paid for Death and Damage in Afghanistan

Read the Article at The Intercept

You’ve Probably Never Heard of the United States’ Worst Police Force

Read the Article at Mother Jones

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Holler Sunset & The Rains Finally Come!

Thank you Cindy! I’m so glad to read that you finally got some rain. Rain is such a blessing, easy to forget how magical it is until a drought comes-then we are well reminded by it’s absence.

Cindy Knoke

A rainstorm is forecasted to arrive at The Holler.
All we can see is a spectacular Holler sunset progression.
The sky is lit with fire.
The next day the rain clouds are here, so we head to the ocean to watch the squalls move in.
Soon they are moving in with attitude!
DSC00733 (1)
We race back to The Holler, where the rains have finally come!
Cheers to you from the happy Holler plants and critters who are still, at this writing, being blessed with RAIN!

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