Spirit In Action

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Plan to Destabilize Russia Failed; Kiev Regime Funnels Resources Into Nazi Western Ukraine and Sells off Strategic Food Reserves

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Thank you Lada! I’m so grateful for your blog! The mainstream news on Ukraine reads like pure propaganda with minimal actual information. I guess aside from prayer there is little most of us can do for the people actually living through the chaos in Ukraine. But it’s good to read that the fascists are not winning-the suffering will end and the people will rebuild their country and their lives. It’s instructive as well because these geopolitical games of destabilizing smaller countries can take place anywhere. Usually anywhere there are resources or strategic locations-but contrary to our long isolation it does not exclude many areas of the US. Our homegrown fascists have been talking military coups and secession of states since President Obama took office.

Futurist Trendcast

My predictions about Ukraine are developing exactly as expected (details in PREDICTIONS and articles linked on the Predictions page). In 2013-14, while Russia was looking the other way during the Sochi Olympics, the US/West planned to destabilize Russia via Ukraine. The plan included the takeover of the geopolitically super-important Crimea, turning it into the oversized US/NATO base and kicking out the Russian Black Sea fleet. It also included the takeover of the entire Ukraine, culminating in the creation of anti-Russia on Russian borders. US was planning to destabilize and subsequently destroy Russia with the hands of the Russian-speaking, but thoroughly brainwashed Ukrainians – and make no mistake, Ukrainians are in fact Russians (more: FREE Earth Shift Report 2: Ukraine, Russia and Falsified History).

Despite long-term and careful planning, despite $5 bln spent by the US to ‘subvert Ukraine’ as admitted by Victoria Nuland, all the above plans have failed…

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Author: ohnwentsya

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