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Florida’s Largest, Rarest Bat Proposed for Endangered Species Act Protection

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Earth First! Newswire

Florida bonneted bat…so adorable, right?

Once Common in South Florida; Fewer Than 300 Believed Left in Wild

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today proposed Endangered Species Act protection for the Florida bonneted bat, the largest, rarest bat in the state. The decision is part of a historic settlementagreement signed with the Center for Biological Diversity that requires expedited decisions on protection for 757 plants and animals around the country. “Endangered Species Act protection is crucial to the conservation of these wonderful bats,” said Jaclyn Lopez, a Center attorney based in Florida. “With the bats’ habitat being rapidly degraded and fragmented, protection can’t come soon enough.” Open fresh water and wetlands provide prime foraging habitat for the Florida bonneted bat, while trees and human-made structures are used for roosting.   

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Author: ohnwentsya

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