Spirit In Action

Change IS coming. WE can make it GOOD.

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My head is spinning and I have not yet read all of this(including links, comments etc) but I have read enough to see this needs to be shared. Special alert to Laura, Jean and anyone else who publishes a blog dedicated to Disclosure/anti-cabal and finding the truth. I have personally been an activist and organizer in some of the groups listed here as being pawns puppets and shills, and I can say categorically that whoever funds, infiltrates etc the majority of grassroots PEOPLE involved in these organizations(esp Occupy and IdleNoMore) are not only NOT involved in this, they are completely *unaware* of this.
Most of the local Occupy groups aside from OWS itself were not FUNDED by ANYONE. We were all bootstrap-skin of the teeth doing what we could on our own time and whatever “funding” we could find in our sock drawer or under the couch cushions. No one I know involved in IdleNoMore gets any funding either-tho they are all long term activists involved with other Native activist groups.
Anyway, this definitely needs looking into by people closer to the action than I-if only for the very scary but true sounding assertion that people are being gently misdirected away from real change actions into things that don’t threaten the status quo. THAT is EXACTLY what happened to my local Occupy, and it was driven by a small group of center-left males who actively attacked and drove away everyone involved in Safer Spaces, and our Uhuru and Socialist members. Except that in our case it wasn’t gentle it was really disruptive and awful;-/ We went from over 300 active members to less than 20 in just a few months-but the only ones left were the ones who were willing to go with really mainstream non-radical change. (carry signs, get in the news, lather, rinse, repeat)I was completely hounded for trying to introduce classes in NVC(non-violent communication) and bringing up the idea that NVC and similar attempts to reach across false divisions and create community with EVERYONE were key to creating *real* change. After seeing what COINTELPRO did in the 70’s, I suspected it, but this is even scarier because it is so vast. There is no way that something exactly like it does not exist for right wing activists as well(ie Libertarians etc). So if you are one my Libertarian friends/readers-don’t think this doesn’t apply because you already know Soros is scary. I would bet something valuable that the whole military coup of the govt/Drake thing is related to something very similar.
Much thanks to Libya360 for posting this, and to the writer for all the research that went into creating it!

Author: ohnwentsya

Be the change you wish to see, let's co-create the win-win future we know is possible together!

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